Guest Interview: C. E. Stone, author of “Starganauts”

Abigail Falanga, Author

First of all, allow me to scream about how absolutely glorious the title “Starganauts” is. It’s so amazing!! I love it. This book deserves to meet all success simply because of that name!!

Ahem. Anyway…

I’m (also) excited to join the blog tour for C. E. Stone’s science fantasy novel “Starganauts”! The journey this book has taken to publication is an epic one in itself, as you will read below, and it’s absolutely wonderful to celebrate its release.

So without further ado, the interview! (I didn’t mean to rhyme there)

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C. E. Stone and I sit down for a virtual cup of coffee…

Me:Tell us something about your book “Starganauts” and the series it’s part of.

C. E.: Starganauts is the first novel in my Christian space opera series of the same name. It follows a group of humans who survive an apocalyptic attack on…

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